Event:- Self Defence Program
Date:- 8th September 2022
Department:- WDC
Venue:- Seminar Hall
This training emphasize on various methods and strategy that can be used to self -defence
themselves against violent attacks.
To empower women with different techniques to handle attack independently.
Outcome: Motivate girls students to show their full participation and learn self- defence to
protect themselves.
Niranjana Majithia College of Commerce has held a workshop on 8th September 2022,
Thursday a Self – Defense program. The program was started with introduction regarding self
defense and its importance which has given by Prof. Hafiza Gazi and further Mr. Dev Mehta
who is the resource person for the event has enlighten the with techniques of self defense. Mr
Dev is a over sea representative of India from England. he has more then 40 years of experience
in this area. He emphasize of various methods and strategy girl students can use to self defense
themselves against violent attacks.
Also principal ma’am and vice principal ma’am has also shared their views points regarding
self defense program and motivate girls students to show active participation in the program.
They help girls to understand that if a person is capable enough to protect themselves then the
confident level of the same person increase with better personalities. The workshop was
attended nearly by 63 girls student. which includes students from all department i.e BMS ,